Currency Conversion

Currency Conversion

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How much is 200 Pakistan Rupee (PKR) when converted to Philippine Peso (PHP)?

I verify the conversion tool to check this information, as I am curious. I learned today that 200 PKR is equivalent to 86.50 PHP ($1.96 USD).

May I ask those who are a pioneer members here as to how long to reach the said minimum withdrawal or cash out?

I understand the money transfer would take around 2-3 days to Western Union. Which is something good for us since this is going to be a fast transaction instead of waiting for the bank to process the transfer.

What is CNIC? Please let me know what this is so that I can update my payment method page.

Thank you!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Dear friend, CNIC is stands for Computerized National Identity Card (For Pakistanis only) you must have different name in your territory.

Thank you friend. Is it ID number that we need to input in that field? I will contact support today

the time which takes you to the minimum withdrawal just depends on you, as how much you post and how regularly other people likes/comments on your post.