Pillar of my life

Pillar of my life

230 7 1

I was painting, thou around me
I was home, you were my walls.
I was a vagrant bird, and you became home for me
I was just a rose and thorns that you protect me.

For me it was the water that fell from the sky
You were the light beam emanating from the sun
But a day Column broke down, painting fell on ground '
Even the walls collapsed house says goodbye

Sought left that nest here crashed
Rose without thorns cut off the former.
I will not shed tears, and though much I miss you more.
I also know that like me, miss the troubles.

Dad you were the backbone of my life
More goose given so much joy
The heart will always keep those memories.

So, once again as the water rose on me.
But please, with all the water, except for your tears.

I love my father so much.My father is my heart