Games and android apps

Games and android apps

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I like to play small games on my android. It is not a costly set so I am careful to install only one or two game apps. The image shows an app called buttons and scissors.

This game is nice, and also exciting because we have to cut away all similar color buttons using the scissors and then only we can go to a higher level.

I also like to play word games and mostly jumbled ones.

Which games do you play on your mobile?

Some games can be got for free daily on amazon app and also google play store but amazon app gives away even those which cost a little for free on some days.

I think you may know about it but this is for new android users

The image is a screenshot and not very clear but I inserted it so that you can identify it.

Hope you all have a great week.

I shall try amazon app. I heard about it for the first time. I play subway surf.