Daily English Lessons

Daily English Lessons

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In a post, @mykk has requested me to write about books which could help readers improve their English. I would love to help anyone who wants to learn and improve their English vocabulary and, grammar.

I think I can also give short English lessons daily on Chillkey. If anyone wants to learn, they can print those lessons or write them down in a diary.

Anyone is most welcome to ask questions in comment box so that others can learn through their questions.

A wise person once said that the only silly questions are those that are not asked so if anyone has any questions about anything related to education or self improvement, we can ask those questions here and learn from each other.

It is said that Rome was not built in a day (which means that big things do not happen quickly). A person has to work hard and be patient to achieve great results but the most important thing is to take the first step and make a resolve never to quit or give up.

Image credit: https://pixabay.com/en/learn-know-students-chalk-children-916677/

Thank you for considering my request. I shall feel highly obliged if you start delivering some short lectures on daily basis.

I am in dire need of these English lectures. It would be a great opportunity for all of us.