I have been thinking about this for awhile. But I wasn’t sure of the direction or who I was doing it for. I was never consistent with my travel blog, so would I stick with writing another kind of blog? And doesn’t everyone and their computer-equipped, opinionated uncle have one? In the words of my co-worker Taylor, everyone thinks they are a unique snowflake. So what is going to make me stand out among the hundreds of thousands of other bloggers? I’m a young female, recently graduated, trying to find her path in life; someone who spends copious amounts of time on the Internet, who loves baby animal videos, who wants to be crafty after spending hours on Pinterest, who appreciates motivational quotes – yep, sounds pretty cookie cutter to me.
But then I admitted that I want to do this for me – not for the approval of others or to fill some gaping hole of need left vacant in the blog-o-sphere (which, of course, does not exist. The holes are all filled; crammed in fact – the cup overfloweth with abundance.) But here I am, still throwing my hat in the ring. Because I am constantly composing — catchy phrases pop into my head, witty comebacks and one-liners to zing around, questions to be hashed out. I need an outlet; my blue composition notebook isn’t cutting it anymore. I want dialogue. I want to share. Maybe something will come of this and maybe it won’t. But at least I’m putting myself out there. I’m writing and sharing and exploring to hopefully fulfill something inside of me, to turn some of these question marks into answers. And my hope is that along this journey I will make you smile, perk up on a dreary day, make you think twice about something, or inspire you to try something new. Perhaps I do have loftier goals than I originally intended, but I won’t forget that I’m just like all the other snowflakes falling from the sky.