How To Prevent Malaria

How To Prevent Malaria

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infections can be prevented by sleeping under long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs). These nets, which are designed to last at least three years, work by creating a protective barrier against deadly malaria-carrying mosquitoes that typically bite at night.

The benefits of these bed nets extend even further than protecting those sleeping underneath them. The insecticide woven into each net makes entire communities safer – killing mosquitoes so that they can’t go on to bite others who may not be protected by a net. Bed nets can reduce malaria transmissions by as much as 90 percent in areas with high coverage rates.

It costs just $10 to send a bed net to the families who need them. According to the 2012 World Malaria Report, 90 percent of people with a bed net use it. Join us now. Send a net and save a life.

Other Prevention Measures and Treatment
In addition to bed nets, malaria can be prevented by applying insecticide to the inside walls of individual homes. Mosquitoes that land on treated walls are killed, preventing the transmission of malaria.

If malaria is contracted, early treatment with anti-malaria drugs, such as Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) can effectively cure malaria. However, ACTs are often hard to find in remote areas.

There is still no vaccine for malaria, although there are several studies underway. Some have shown early promise, but we are still at least a decade away from having a vaccine in hand.

One of the best ways to prevent malaria is the regular use of bed nets.

Homeopathy can render great services in this connection as it has great medicines to cope with malaria.